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SpreadWebServcie.Send2 Method

It send email by specify campaign name one to one.

Note: The contact will be automatically added to the contact list named "Auto_ + Campaign Name". This function allows duplicate sending, so the contact list may contains duplicate email. Don't use this contact list in other campaigns, if you want to avoid duplicate sending.

public String Send2 (

string LoginEmail,

string Password,

string CampaignName,

string From,

string FromName,

string To,

string Subject,

string Body


Public function Send2( _

LoginEmail As String, _

Password As String, _

CampaignName As String,_

From As string, _

FromName As String, _

To As String, _

Subject As String, _

Body As String _

) As String

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The login email of your Spread account.



The password of your Spread account or API Key which you can retrieve from your Spread account (My account=> Settings).



The name of the campaign to be send.



The email address of sender.



The name of sender.



The email address of recipient.



The subject of the campaign.



The content of the campaign. Support plain text or HTML tag

Return Value

String  represent the result of send status .

Please find the details for the return message in the following table.


Retrun Type

Retrun Message

Call API successfully and the email has been sent out.


Sent success

Call API with empty value of "LoginEmail" or "Password".

LoginEmail or Password is null

Call API with empty value of "FromName", "Subject " or "Body". String

Information requried

Call API with invalid "From" or "To". String

Invalid Email Address

Call API with invalid "LoginEmail" or "Password". String

LoginEmail and Password do not match

Your account is expired. Or you have no credit in your account. String

This user has expired or credit not enough

The daily maximum number of campaigns is 20. If you will receive the message while you create the 21st campaign in one day. String

Creation exceeded the daily maximum number of campaign.

It failed to upload the Email address and will not sent out. String

Invalid Address and Failed to Sent.

Other exceptions. Exception

Return a exception with error message.

It failed to send the email out. String

Sent failed


string LoginName = "";

string LoginPassword = "spread";


string CampaignName = "Noclone campaign";


 //Define the from infomation

string From = "";

string FromName = "Reasonable";


//Define recipient email

string To = ""; 


//Define the email subject and content

string Subject = "NoClone 4 is released!"; 

string Body = "Download NoClone 4 at now!";  


//Create a SpreadWebService object and use its method.

SpreadWebService MySpread = new SpreadWebService();


string result = MySpread.send2(LoginName,LoginPassword,CampaignName,From,FromName,To,Subject,Body);

Dim LoginName As String = ""

Dim LoginPassword As String = "spread"


Dim CampaignName As String = "Noclone campaign"


  'Define the from infomation

Dim From As String = ""

Dim FromName As String= "Reasonable"


 'Define recipient email

Dim To As String= ""


 'Define the email subject and content

Dim Subject As String= "NoClone 4 is released!"

Dim Body As String= "Download NoClone 4 at now!"


'Create a SpreadWebService object and use its method.

Dim MySpread As New SpreadWebService

Dim Result As String= MySpread.send2(LoginName, LoginPassword,CampaignName, From,FromName, To,Subject,Body)

     * @name     send2
     * @function send email one by one
     * @return
     *   'Invalid Email Address'                                            
     *   'Information required'                                             
     *   'LoginEmail and Password do not match'                             
     *   'Sent failed'                                                      
     *   'Your email has submitted successfully and will by send out soon.' 
     *   'Sent success'                                                     
    public function send2($loginEmail,$assword,$actName,$from,$fromName,$toEmail,$Msubject,$Mbody){
        $sendParam = array(
            'LoginEmail'    => $loginEmail,
            'Password'      => $password,
            'CampaignName'  => empty( $actName ) ? SITE_DOMAIN.'_act_'.date( 'Y-n-j' ) : $actName,
            'From'          => $from,
            'FromName'      => $fromName,
            'To'            => $toEmail,
            'Subject'       => $Msubject,
            'Body'          => $Mbody
        $Client=new SoapClient("");
        error_log( json_encode( $sendParam )."__param" );
        $sendResult = $Client -> Send2( $sendParam ); 
        return $sendResult;
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